Pat and Mat have a Movie.

Published on 3 September 2022 at 08:38

This Movie is ''Pat & Mat in the wonderful new house of AIF'' in 2023, See ohter to Coming Soon!

Czech: Pat a Mat - v nádherném novém domě AIF

Holland: Buurman & Buurman in het prachtige nieuwe huis van AIF

Episodes Movie:

  1. New Door (Playing Cards)
  2. Treehouse
  3. Pizza
  4. Ice creams
  5. Fries
  6. The train
  7. Vacation
  8. Selfie
  9. Bonusepisode: Playing Cards (1997)

Episodes Movie (Czech):

  1. Nové dveře (Karty)
  2. Strom
  3. Pizza
  4. Zmrzliny
  5. Bramborové hranolky
  6. Vlak
  7. Dovolená
  8. Selfie
  9. Bonusová epizoda: Karty (1997)

Episodes Movie (Holland):

  1. Nieuwe Deur (Kaarten)
  2. Boomhut
  3. Pizza
  4. Ijsjes
  5. Frietjes
  6. De Trein
  7. Vakantie
  8. Selfie
  9. Bonusaflevering: De Kaarten (1997)

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